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  • TheITGourmet

Do prefer Sinkers or Floaters? Cannonballs or Clouds? There seems to be a divided camp on matzoh ball preference - perhaps a line as divisive as modern politics. Well, it doesn't need to be - here's a recipe that produces a matzoh ball that we think can please both factions and draw them back together for a common goal - you know, an accompaniment that compliments EVERY bowl of chicken soup.

Okay - I have to confess this is not a recipe for my Bubby's Matzoh Balls - but perhaps they are someones' Bubby - how do I know? Well, that the recipe is called. I wish I could site the recipe for sure, but we clipped it from the side of a matzoh meal box (it was either Osem or Streit's) and it doesn't have the brand on it. What I can tell you though is when we make matzoh ball soup, we reach into the coveted recipe box, look under soup, and grab the 2" x 5" piece of clipped cardboard. At this point, generally one of exclaims - "gee, this is just such a great matzoh ball recipe".

After trying many different matzoh ball recipes over the years, Aileen and I have finally landed on one that we like - the best part is it's pretty easy and the results are consistent every time we make them.


  • 4 Eggs, separated

  • 1/2 Cup Cold Water

  • 1/3 Cup Vegetable Oil (I use Canola)

  • 1 Teaspoon Salt

  • Dash of Pepper

  • 1 1/4 Cups Matzoh Meal


  1. Beat egg whites with electric mixer until fluffy. Beat egg yolk with water until foamy. Using mixer, combine the egg whites with the egg yolk mixture.

  2. Mix in oil, salt, and pepper

  3. Add Matzoh meal and mix well.

  4. Chill for at least 30 minutes in the refrigerator.

  5. Remove from refrigerator. Grease your hands with some oil and form matzoh balls about 1 inch in diameter (don't worry - they will expand).

  6. Drop the matzoh balls into 1 1/2 quarts of boiling water (Low boil, NOT rapid boil).

  7. Cover the pot and cook for 20 minutes. Set a timer, walk away from the pot, do not open the pot, do not pass go, do not collect $200. Did I mention, do NOT open the pot. I mean it - do NOT open the pot.

  8. When 20 minutes have passed (did you open the pot? I told you not to open the pot), remove the cooked matzoh balls with a slotted spoon.

  9. Reheat the matzoh balls when you are ready to eat.

TIP: In case you didn't read it above - DO NOT OPEN THE POT WHEN THE MATZOH BALLS ARE COOKING!!!

As Always Best Regards and BonAppetIT!!!


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Recipe Credit - Anna Jones (and adapted by Tejal Rao)

This is yet another quick and easy pasta dish that you can adapt to use whatever fresh (or even frozen) vegetables on hand. This dish cooks entirely in one pan (Okay you boil some water but you add it to the pan). As you can see above, we made that night's pasta with Spinach even though the recipe calls for Kale. You could even try escarole as well.

As Always Best Regards and BonAppetIT!!!


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Where did we crawl? Luna Wood Fire Tavern (223 Franklin Ave, Nutley, NJ)

Category Wood / Coal Fire Pizza

Whose Pick Aileen

Overall rating 6 Thumbs Up

Would we return? Yes

On last night's episode, we decided to go out for take-out pizza and the category we chose was wood fired pizza - Luna's Wood Fire Tavern ( Ironically enough, we recently received the New Jersey Monthly magazine and they had an article of who has some of the best pizza in New Jersey. After looking through the featured, recommended "top spots" we chose our target establishment?

So, how and why did we choose Luna's? Well it...

  • Needed to within 30 minutes of home (we were doing take out and we have a 14 week old puppy sitting in a crate)

  • Must use wood or coal fire for its pies

  • Should not only feature pizza, but also a mix of other Italian dinner items

We looked up the menu and picked out a few things we had read were some specialties:

  • The Pizza Margherita (Tomato Sauce, fresh Mozzarella, Basil, and EVOO)

  • Mezzaluna (Half Calzone with Ricotta / Half Margherita pie)

  • Luna Salad

  • Long Peppers and Italian Potatoes

So, we piled into the family truckster (okay okay - the Toyota Highlander) and away we went. Luna was easy to get to and find parking in close proximity to the restaurant on Franklin Ave (one of Nutley's main drags).

Okay... So we started with the Luna salad and the long peppers and potatoes. The arugula-based salad came loaded with Roasted Red Peppers, Fresh Mozzarella, and freshly sliced Parmesan cheese.

The Luna salad comes dressed with their homemade EVOO oil and lemon dressing (that seemed to have some honey in it as well). All in all a very refreshing and tasty salad.

The Italian potatoes and long peppers was also very good. The potatoes were thinly sliced and cooked with lots of chunks of garlic. There was also a decent amount of spicey long peppers (warning the peppers pack a punch) - The whole dish was cooked in olive oil. The portion size was VERY liberal - and there was enough leftover that I enjoyed this AM with a couple of fried eggs for breakfast (they made amazing homefries).

Next came the pizza and "pizza-like" course. Not a single complaint with this either. The Margherita pizza was wonderfully cooked with just the right amount of sauce, fresh mozzarella, and fine slices of basil (with just a drizzle of extra virgin olive oil). They put just the right amount of heat on the pizza so that it was well-done with some bits of char (which I like), but wasn't burnt to a crisp.

The pizza mezzaluna lived up to its half-moon namesake. It was just like a pizza margherita got together with a calzone and decided to have a wonderfully delicious baby. The Calzone portion is filled (but not overfilled) with fresh ricotta and there is enough of a little bit of margherita pizza sticking out to have it be the "best of both worlds". The mezzaluna comes with a small container of their sauce for dipping.

Luna's sauce was very freshly made, a little bit chunky and has just a little bit of sweetness to it - overall very tasty.

Another good thing to note, was our pizza's were cooked fresh when we came to pick them up - a very nice surprise and testament that they made their pies a la the true Pizza Napoletana technique (because they seemed to be cooked in less than 5 minutes and came out of the oven and into the boxes piping hot!!!

This place is a keeper and we will definitely return!!!

As Always Best Regards and BonAppetIT!!!


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