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  • TheITGourmet

Well, that was easy! (No) Thank You Mr. Zuckerberg

Updated: Nov 30, 2020

So, last night I found out I had been FaceBooked! How, you might ask? Well, I discovered that FaceBook quite quietly had deprecated a key piece of functionality that I had been using for my cooking and recipe blog - The NOTES - functionality!

I went to add a new recipe, and couldn't find a way to add a new NOTE. Why is this a big deal? Well, my blog posts were using this functionality - which is really an almost word processor way of posting my recipes and sharing tips with folks - it gave me an easy mechanism for making text pretty and nicely formatted. Another key feature of NOTES was an easy way for me to post pictures - whenever I had a new recipe to post, I could easily add a picture to the new note.

Oh, well - enough complaining - onward and upward. Now I have to convert all of my old recipes to the new blog.

Please keep an eye out for new posts soon (as well as the old recipes in this new format).

Best (and Safe) Regards and as Always - Bon AppetIT

The I.T. Gourmet

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