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SOUP'S On!!! Pistou Soup

Updated: Dec 23, 2020

V, V, GF

There's perhaps no better way to kick off the recipes on TheITGourmet Blog site than with this soup recipe. Given that we are now in Fall and all of the ingredients that make up this soup are coming into season, this is the perfect "tummy warmer". The amazing thing about this soup recipe is that it is ALL vegetarian (actually vegan). I hope you are as astounded as me by the richness and depth of flavor that you find when you first cook this soup and serve it to your family and friends.

Pistou Soup (Serves 8 – 10)

Ingredients (For the Soup)

  • 4 Small Leeks - split lengthwise and diced into ½” pieces (Note: Remove tops and bottoms – use the white portion only)

  • 1 Large White Onion – peeled, cut in half, and sliced into 1/8” slices

  • 1 lb Cranberry Beans – split with beans removed (Note: If you can’t find Cranberry Beans, Aileen and I have made a good soup by substituting 2 - 12oz cans of Progresso Cannelloni beans, drained)

  • 1 lbs Italian Green Beans – washed and cut into small 1” pieces (If you can't find Italian Green Beans, regular Green Beans can be substituted

  • 4 Carrots (Medium – Large) – peeled, split in 2 lengthwise and diced into ½” pieces

  • 3 Tomatoes (Medium – Large Round) - boiled for 5 minutes, skinned, cored, and roughly chopped

  • 2 Stalks Celery - split in 2 lengthwise and diced into ½” pieces (Note: Chop the leafy part of the stalk too – there is extra flavor there!!!)

  • 3 small zucchinis, ends cut off, cut into 3 or 4 lengthwise and diced into ½” pieces ½ bag Vermicelli Noodles (fat ones)

  • 4 Large (or 6 medium) russet potatoes cut into ½” cubes (Note: It is important that you use a potato that will fall apart when it cooks – I have done some research and experimentation and russets are a good starchy potato that tend to fall apart when boiling.

Ingredients (For the Pistou - i.e., pesto)

  • 1 Large Bunch of Basil – (I would approximate 1 ½ to 2 cups of washed, loosely packed basil leaves – we used small leaf basil)

  • 10 Cloves of Garlic (halved and thinly sliced)

  • ½ cup Extra Virgin Olive Oil

  • ½ cup Gruyere or Parmesan Reggiano Cheese Grated

  • Salt to taste

  • Pepper to taste

Notes: A key to this dish is having all of the ingredients prepared and cut before hand (i.e., in cooking terms – mis en place) with each ingredient cut into the same size relative to one another so that they cook evenly and are pleasing to the mouth (mouth feel).

Another key to this dish is to never allow the pistou to actually cook in the soup stock. It is very important that the pistou be added to the base soup at the last possible moment when the soup has been fully cooked and is ready to be served. The flavor of the pistou will infuse with the stock while it is being served and put on the table.

This recipe is a REAL DEAL French recipe that was learned on our first trip to Provence (a story unto itself). To "Mon Chef" - one more "petit bon bon S'il vous plaît!!!" - we shall share another when we meet again in heaven one day!

We often make this soup and serve it without the pistou.

Instructions (for the Vegetable Soup)

  1. On top of the stove, heat a large casserole or stockpot. Coat the bottom of the pan with a thin layer of olive oil. When pan and oil are hot, place the leeks and sliced onions (making sure to separate the pieces) and sauté the vegetables. Sweat the vegetables and cook them until not quite transparent (do not brown). Make sure the pan contains enough oil and the vegetables are not dry.

  2. After leeks and onions have begun to turn slightly transparent, add the beans (both types), carrots, zucchini, and celery to the casserole and briefly sauté. Add enough water to cover the vegetables and raise the flame to medium high and cover. Note: If using canned cannelloni beans, you should wait until the soup is almost completely cooked prior to adding the white beans to the stockpot.

  3. Put in the potatoes and tomatoes and season with a small handful of salt (I would suggest 3 slightly rounded tablespoons). Add enough water so that all vegetables are covered and the mixture is a consistency of a slightly thick soup. Raise the flame to high until the stock boils. Once stock mixture is vigorously boiling, reduce the flame to a high simmer. Cook the stock mixture for at least 1 hour and 15 minutes.

While the stock is cooking, you can begin to work on the Pistou (pesto) - see below.

Instructions (for the Pistou)

  1. In a mortar and pestle, combine the garlic and basil leaves, and three (3) large pinches of salt (when Aileen and I made our pistou, we don’t have a mortal and pestle, so we used the blender – alright, it was not exactly the same result, but it was close and it was pretty darn good nonetheless – and a lot less energy involved).

  2. Pound the garlic, basil, and salt together until the Basil and garlic are in small pieces. While pounding slowly add the ½ cup of olive oil in small amounts until fully blended during the pounding process.


When soup stock has fully cooked turn off the flame (you will know the soup is fully done when the potatoes have basically fallen apart and become one with the soup – it’s a neat reaction that occurs – the potatoes actually flavor and thicken the soup all at the same time). At this moment, the soup is done and is ready to serve. Add the pistou and rapidly stir the soup to mix and to allow the pistou to infuse its flavor into the stock. Check the soup for seasoning and readjust to taste. Serve the soup immediately while it is piping hot.

As always - Bon Appetit!!!

Best Regards,



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