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  • TheITGourmet

Homemade Yogurt - Put a Little Culture in Your Life!!!

Updated: Dec 12, 2020


Let's put a little culture in our lives!!!

I never knew until a few weeks ago about how easy and how much better homemade yogurt is to make! Once you do it, you will say - WOW!!!

Homemade Yogurt - Simple Crock Pot Technique


  • 1/2 Gallon Milk (I use pasteurized whole milk from the store - but do NOT use UHT pasteurized milk)

  • Nonfat powdered milk (1/2 cup per quart of milk)

  • 1/2 cup plain yogurt (I used a small container of Greek Yogurt) - this is the starter - all of my subsequent batches have been children of the prior batch


  1. Place milk in Crock Pot and place temperature on High.

  2. While milk is heating - stir in 1/2 cup powdered nonfat milk for each quart of milk. NOTE: This is to make a thicker, creamier version of yogurt with more protein.

  3. Heat milk until it reaches 180 - 185 Degrees F. Hold that temperature for 20 - 30 mins. NOTE: Bringing the milk to temperature slower and holding it there helps develop a thicker, creamier, more European style yogurt.

  4. When milk has heated at 180 - 185 Degrees F temperature for 20 - 30 mins shut off the crockpot.

  5. When milk has cooled to 130 Degrees F, remove your yogurt culture from the refrigerator and put it in a glass bowl and let it come to room temperature (this is an important step - you don't want to shock the culture in the yogurt too much - remember - "respect the culture").

  6. When milk has cooled to 120 Degrees F, remove 1 cup of the heated milk by ladling into the glass bowl with the culture. Gently stir the milk and the yogurt together - the goal is to bring the culture up to temperature and to incorporate the milk / culture mixture loosely together. Once you have lightly mixed them together, pour the milk / culture mixture back into the crock pot and gently stir.

  7. Now for the magic - place the lid back on the crock pot and take 3 - 4 large towels and put your crock pot to bed - put the covered crock in a room temperature spot in the kitchen and do NOT remove the top to peak for 10 - 12 hours (I usually leave it there for 11 hours). I have heard that peaking can produce results that aren't as good.

As Always - Bon Appetit!!!

Best Regards,



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