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  • TheITGourmet

Mom's Apple Cake

As anyone that is from a Jewish family can probably tell you, when Rosh Hashanah comes around (the Jewish New Year), it’s time to break out the family Apple Cake recipes. It seems that every family has their own special version of this recipe. Our family is no different – this is my Mother’s recipe that is being handed down to the next generation. In our family, this recipe was not just served at Rosh Hashanah. This was a family favorite that quite often was made and served as dessert for Shabbat on Friday nights.

I’m sure someone is bound to say, “Hey, that’s a LOT of oil!!!”. All I can say is that this is the recipe I was provided and I can attest to the fact that it’s moist and it tastes good. Try it out and let me know what you think. If you think you can make a version that has less oil that tastes as good, please let me know and I too will give it a try.

As always, Best Regards and BonAppetIT!!!



  • 3 Cups of All Purpose Flour (not sifted)

  • 1 Cup canola oil

  • ¼ Cup orange juice

  • 3 teaspoons baking powder

  • 2 Cups white sugar (use 1 cup for the cake batter and the other cup of sugar for the apple and cinnamon topping)

  • 4 Eggs

  • 2 teaspoons vanilla extract

  • 1 – 2 teaspoons of cinnamon (for the topping)

  • 4 large apples (I recommend using a tart apple like Granny Smith apples) – peeled, cored, and sliced into wedges and then slicing each wedge into small, thin pieces (see the picture).


Step 1 – Preheat oven to 350 degrees Fahrenheit.

Step 2 – Put flour, baking powder, and 1 cup of sugar into a large bowl and whisk together. Add, oil, orange juice, and vanilla extract and mix by hand until all ingredients form a smooth batter. Begin adding eggs one by one and you will notice the batter will remain thick, but will get looser with each egg that is added.

Step 3 – Toss the sliced apples with the remaining 1 cup of sugar and cinnamon.

Step 4 – Spray a bundt pan liberally with cooking spray to make sure it gets down into the pans crevices. For this recipe, I would recommend a nonstick pan, but even if using a nonstick pan, I would still suggest spraying the pan with cooking spray.

Step 5 – Pour ½ the apple and cinnamon topping mixture into the bottom of the pan. Pour ½ the batter on top of the apples and carefully spread the batter over the apples (don’t worry if you can’t spread it all the way as it will magically spread itself during baking). Pour the remaining layer of apples over the batter and distribute the apples around the pan. Pour and spread the remainder of the batter and carefully spread on top.

Step 6 - Bake for 1 hour 30 minutes, or until a skewer inserted into the center comes out clean.

NOTES: Instead of using a bundt pan, you can also use a 9” x 14” rectangular nonstick baking pan or tubed angel food pan with removable bottom (in fact, my mother frequently did exactly that). If this was the case, she would simply reverse the order of how the ingredients were added to the pan (because the cake was baked right side up, instead of upside down) – i.e., batter, apples, batter, apples (with apples ending up on top).

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