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  • TheITGourmet

Lemon Chicken and Potatoes - It sure tastes Greek to me!

Updated: Feb 22, 2021

Recently, a good friend of ours gave us this recipe. It rapidly made it to "keeper" status and is making it to blog to be shared to the interwebs! It's a very tasty recipe - especially the potatoes. I'm guessing the second time you make this recipe (it's that easy and good!) that you will increase the amount of potatoes you prepare.

Contributed by: Mary Adams

Credit to: Chef John from

Some tips:

  • We marinate the chicken 3 - 4 hours ahead of time - the recipe doesn't suggest this, but we think it helps to infuse the lemon flavor into the chicken better.

  • We generally don't have just plain dried Rosemary in the house. However, we do keep Herbes de Provence (ours doesn't have Lavender), so I substitute that for the dried Rosemary.

  • We cook the chicken in a separate roasting pan from the potatoes (this was a request / suggestion from MrsITGourmet and it seems to be our preferred way to make).

  • Make sure you line your roasting pans with foil and and oil them liberally with some oil (e.g., Canola) or cooking spray.

As Always Best Regards and BonAppetIT!!!



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