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  • TheITGourmet

Beans, beans, the musical fruit...

Shhhhhhhh.....This is my top secret recipe so please be careful with whom you share it with.

In my family, there seems to be a baked bean recipe competition between my older brother and I. Mine tend to be a little sweeter. In my opinion, he produces a quality product from his recipe, but I do prefer mine. Also, in my opinion, some of the keys to this recipe is cooking the beans low and slow in the crockpot for 4 - 5 hours and also sautéing and slightly caramelizing the onions prior to combining them with the other ingredients. This recipe can certainly be made ahead of time. In fact, I've been told by MrsITGourmet they are better warmed up. They can also be served cold if you'd prefer - I've been known to snitch spoonfuls from the leftovers in the fridge so I can attest to that.


  • 2 Large Cans (28oz) of Vegetartian Baked Beans (I prefer Bush's - No, I don't get anything for product promotion)

  • 1 Medium Yellow Onion finely diced

  • 1 Tablespoon Canola Oil

  • 4 Beef Hot Dogs - quartered lengthwise and diced into small pieces (I prefer either Hebrew National or A&H Kosher hot dogs)

  • 1/2 Cup Ketchup

  • 1 Tablespoon Dry Mustard (I prefer Coleman's Dry Mustard)

  • 3/4 Cup Brown Sugar (Light or Dark)

  • 1/3 Cup Black Strap Molasses

  • 1/4 Cup Maple Syrup (optional)

  • 1/4 Cup Water


  1. Over medium heat, add canola oil into a medium sized skilled

  2. Add diced onions and saute. Continue to cook onions over medium heat (to low-medium) until translucent and soft. I like to continually add small amounts of water to the pan while the onions are cooking. Eventually, you want the onions to become soft and lightly golden brown in color (lightly caramelized).

  3. When onions are cooked - remove from heat.

  4. Combine all ingredients together into a countertop slow cooker. NOTE: I like to use the 1/4 Cup of Water to clean out the remaining liquid from the cans of Baked Beans.

  5. It's at this point in time that you should start to taste the combined ingredients and adjust as necessary. NOTE: I will admit - it is at this point I start adjusting things carefully until I get things to the taste level that I prefer (which is a little sweet). BUT - be careful with the ingredients like molasses and mustard, because a little goes a long way and too much of one of those can make a big difference that from which it can be difficult to compensate.

  6. Place your slow cooker on low and cook the beans mixture for at least 4 hours - I generally like to let it go 5 hours. Make sure you are checking on the beans every so often to make sure as they cook, they are not sticking to the bottom of the slow cooker. If need be, add a little water (perhaps 1/3 Cup) to the beans while they cook. Ideally, though, the beans should be starting to thicken toward the end of the cooking time.

As Always,

Best Regards and BonAppetIT!!!


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